Go Find It
From 2012 to 2015, I was the Brand & Product Designer of Go Find It Technologies. We delivered a lifestyle luxury hotel experience through dedicated mobile apps combined with it’s own CMS.
It started with a team of 8 people and ended in 3 countries with hundreds of clients.
A Five Star Mobile Experience
Discover our app for Park Hyatt Vendôme.
We never stop
Discover the team behind our products & all the features implemented in not even a year.
This one is dedicated to the amazing people at Go Find It, from founders to interns 💪
V2 Wireframes
Where I explain my concept for the app design through its different sections.

Hotel teams could manage their own app features & content through a dedicated web app, simply called “the CMS”. I designed the CMS to help hotels, but also our own content team who had to write thousands of articles in many different languages for a few dozens of hotels, all around the world.